18 Agustus 2021

Teacher Competency List

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Bapak Kartono dan Bapak Rustanto

Competence : Demonstrate self-development practices based on self-awareness and will (self-regulated learning)
Activity : Reflecting on teaching practice
Activity : Asking for feedback from students
Activity : Asking for feedback from fellow teachers
Activity : Analyze your strengths and weaknesses
Activity : Make a self-development plan
Competence : Developing the competence of school residents to improve the quality of students (facilitating, coaching, mentoring)
Activity : Help develop teacher competencies based on learning needs formulated from learning problems that occur
Activity : Analyzing the learning problems of fellow teachers
Activity : Helping fellow teachers develop themselves
Competence : Actively participate in school and other community leadership professional organizations for career development
Activity : Regularly participate in self-development activities in related professional or community organizations
Activity : Taking part in professional organizations
Activity : Sharing good practices with colleagues
Competence : Demonstrate moral, emotional, and spiritual maturity to behave according to the code of ethics
Activity : Able to manage emotions in carrying out their roles
Activity : Using moral principles and showing belief in God Almighty
Activity : Behave according to the code of ethics
Competence : Leading efforts to build a student-centered learning environment
Activity : Planning a class environment that is free to learn
Activity : Set up a class environment that is free to learn
Activity : Creating a classroom environment that is free to learn
Competence : Leading the planning and implementation of student-centered learning processes
Activity : Guiding meetings to improve learning design and improve learning practices to foster a passion for student learning
Activity : Guiding meetings to improve learning practices to grow students' love of learning
Competence : Leading reflection and improvement of the quality of student-centered learning process
Activity : Encouraging all teachers to reflect on improving the quality of the teaching and learning process
Activity : Leading the reflection process of all teachers to improve the quality of the teaching and learning process
Competence : Involving parents as companions and learning resources at school
Activity: Building empathic communication with parents for the involvement of parents as children's learning companions
Competence : Leading school development to optimize student learning processes and be relevant to the needs of the community around the school
Activity : Planning school improvement and change programs to increase school effectiveness and efficiency
Activity : Organizing school improvement and change programs to increase school effectiveness and efficiency
Activity : Directing school improvement and change programs to increase school effectiveness and efficiency
Competence : Involving parents and community in school financing and development
Activity : Communicating positive achievements from school
Activity : Asking for input from parents and the community
Competence : Leading efforts to realize the school's vision into a learning culture that favors students
Activity: Leading school community meetings in developing school vision and school programs
Competence : Leading and managing school programs that have an impact on students
Activity : Develop school programs to run according to plans and goals
Activity : Monitor school programs so that they run according to plans and goals

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