12 Agustus 2021

Meaning of the Scout Coat

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Kartono, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Meaning of the Scout Coat

The symbol of the Scout Movement was created by a Scoutmaster, namely Mr. Sumardjo Armodipuro. This symbol has been used since August 14, 1961, when the Scout Movement was introduced to the public. Since then, the coconut bud symbol has been used on Scout objects, such as flags, nameplates and badges.


There are various reasons why coconut shoots were chosen as a symbol of the Scout movement. First, the coconut shoots symbolize that every member of the Scouts is the bud of the Indonesian nation. As a nation, we must be able to make Indonesia proud. Second, coconut shoots can last a long time in any conditions. This symbolizes that every Scout member must be able to survive in the face of all challenges to serve the Indonesian nation. Third, coconut shoots that can grow anywhere symbolize that every Scout member can adapt to the surrounding conditions. Fourth, the coconut tree grows tall and becomes one of the tallest trees. This shows that every Scout member has high ideals and can stay upright. Fifth, the roots of the coconut tree usually grow strong on the ground, which symbolizes that every Scout member holds on to strong beliefs to achieve his goals. Sixth, the coconut tree is a tree that has many benefits. This symbolizes that every Scout member is a useful human being for the Indonesian state.


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