18 Agustus 2021

Teacher Competency List


Bapak Kartono dan Bapak Rustanto

Competence : Demonstrate self-development practices based on self-awareness and will (self-regulated learning)
Activity : Reflecting on teaching practice
Activity : Asking for feedback from students
Activity : Asking for feedback from fellow teachers
Activity : Analyze your strengths and weaknesses
Activity : Make a self-development plan
Competence : Developing the competence of school residents to improve the quality of students (facilitating, coaching, mentoring)
Activity : Help develop teacher competencies based on learning needs formulated from learning problems that occur
Activity : Analyzing the learning problems of fellow teachers
Activity : Helping fellow teachers develop themselves
Competence : Actively participate in school and other community leadership professional organizations for career development
Activity : Regularly participate in self-development activities in related professional or community organizations
Activity : Taking part in professional organizations
Activity : Sharing good practices with colleagues
Competence : Demonstrate moral, emotional, and spiritual maturity to behave according to the code of ethics
Activity : Able to manage emotions in carrying out their roles
Activity : Using moral principles and showing belief in God Almighty
Activity : Behave according to the code of ethics
Competence : Leading efforts to build a student-centered learning environment
Activity : Planning a class environment that is free to learn
Activity : Set up a class environment that is free to learn
Activity : Creating a classroom environment that is free to learn
Competence : Leading the planning and implementation of student-centered learning processes
Activity : Guiding meetings to improve learning design and improve learning practices to foster a passion for student learning
Activity : Guiding meetings to improve learning practices to grow students' love of learning
Competence : Leading reflection and improvement of the quality of student-centered learning process
Activity : Encouraging all teachers to reflect on improving the quality of the teaching and learning process
Activity : Leading the reflection process of all teachers to improve the quality of the teaching and learning process
Competence : Involving parents as companions and learning resources at school
Activity: Building empathic communication with parents for the involvement of parents as children's learning companions
Competence : Leading school development to optimize student learning processes and be relevant to the needs of the community around the school
Activity : Planning school improvement and change programs to increase school effectiveness and efficiency
Activity : Organizing school improvement and change programs to increase school effectiveness and efficiency
Activity : Directing school improvement and change programs to increase school effectiveness and efficiency
Competence : Involving parents and community in school financing and development
Activity : Communicating positive achievements from school
Activity : Asking for input from parents and the community
Competence : Leading efforts to realize the school's vision into a learning culture that favors students
Activity: Leading school community meetings in developing school vision and school programs
Competence : Leading and managing school programs that have an impact on students
Activity : Develop school programs to run according to plans and goals
Activity : Monitor school programs so that they run according to plans and goals

15 Agustus 2021

Buku Guru Prakarya Kelas VII

Cover BG Prakarya VII

Buku Guru Prakarya VII, sebagai salah satu sumber belajar yang dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran Prakarya di Kelas VII.  

Link Buku Guru Prakarya 

Semester 1

Semester 2

Semoga Bermanfaat...

The Brave is 20 Years old

zizi - zaza

The Brave is 20 Years old

Salamun Hadinoto, one of Sudirman's former subordinates in PETA :
“... Morally Sudirman supported the Kusaeri rebellion. But openly Sudirman did not show any indication in that direction. Because he realized his position as a leader. If you have the intention of course it will not be as careless as Kusaeri. The kusaeri was immature, he was still very young at around 19 or 20 years old at the time. So it's my age."
Heiki Bundancho Kusaeri (team commander for equipment and weapons division), in the Codan Tulus Subroto (Codan I) unit from PETA Daidan R. Sutirto. Budanco Kusaeri and his deputy Mursidik fought against PETA in Gumilir, Cilacap. Team leader (Budanco) Kusaeri together with Suwab, Wasirun, Hadi, Mardiyono, Sarjono, Udi, S. Wiryosukarto, Taswan and Sujud appeared to spearhead the resistance.
After Kusaeri and his friends agreed to take the fight against the Japanese, he first went to the famous Kyai in the area to get spiritual help, namely Kyai Bugel in Lebeng, Cilacap, Kyai Juhdi in Rawalo and Kyai H. Muhammad Sidik in Banjarnegara. Kusaeri receive advice and objects that are considered to have magical value. In a meeting Kusaeri with his friends on April 5, 1945 behind the ammunition depot it was decided that the resistance would begin on April 21, 1945 at 23:00.
Kusaeri conducts internal and external power-raising. Inside, he tried to approach his fellow Bundancho friends, such as: Sarjono, Sarjono K., Darman, Sukir, Jemiran, Mardiono, Marsan, Masirun, Anwari, Suwab, Sangin, Suparno, Udi, and Wiryosukarto. Outwardly, he managed to garner support from Syudancho Sudarwo, Shikihancho Achmadi, and Keiri Bundancho Subagyo, who came from the PETA Cilacap battalion headquarters. On the night of April 20, 1945, after successfully subduing the picket officers and taking all the weapons in the warehouse, Kusaeri and his friends departed from the company headquarters towards the target of the attack, namely a Keibitai (coastal guard) headquarters located around Srandil Hill. The target, after the headquarters was captured, Kusaeri intended to invite the PETA Kroya battalion led by Daidancho Sudirman (later became Commander of the TKR) to join and carry out a bigger rebellion.

12 Agustus 2021

Meaning of the Scout Coat

Kartono, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Meaning of the Scout Coat

The symbol of the Scout Movement was created by a Scoutmaster, namely Mr. Sumardjo Armodipuro. This symbol has been used since August 14, 1961, when the Scout Movement was introduced to the public. Since then, the coconut bud symbol has been used on Scout objects, such as flags, nameplates and badges.


There are various reasons why coconut shoots were chosen as a symbol of the Scout movement. First, the coconut shoots symbolize that every member of the Scouts is the bud of the Indonesian nation. As a nation, we must be able to make Indonesia proud. Second, coconut shoots can last a long time in any conditions. This symbolizes that every Scout member must be able to survive in the face of all challenges to serve the Indonesian nation. Third, coconut shoots that can grow anywhere symbolize that every Scout member can adapt to the surrounding conditions. Fourth, the coconut tree grows tall and becomes one of the tallest trees. This shows that every Scout member has high ideals and can stay upright. Fifth, the roots of the coconut tree usually grow strong on the ground, which symbolizes that every Scout member holds on to strong beliefs to achieve his goals. Sixth, the coconut tree is a tree that has many benefits. This symbolizes that every Scout member is a useful human being for the Indonesian state.
